Register For HHS Pride Productions
Putting on High School productions of the caliber of Pride Productions is expensive. Each show costs between $10,000 and $20,000 to produce. Your generous contributions help pay for the sets, costumes, props, lighting, sound, show rights, printing and cast/crew food that make it possible for us to bring you a show that amazes and give our children lifelong memories!
Members Name
Select Membership
Platinum Philanthropist Membership Level ($500.00)

As a thanks for your generous contribution, you will receive the following:
- Special Acknowledgement of you Family / Company on our Website
- Ten Concession Snack Pack coupons. Each coupon good for 1 chip or candy and 1 drink
- One 2023-2024 HHS Pride Production Shirt
- One 2023-2024 Season Shirt
- Two HHS Pride Productions Spirit Stickers
- Your name listed in our Fall and Spring Playbills. Fall Playbill deadline is xx.
Broadway Benefactor Membership Level ($300.00)

As a thanks for your generous contribution, you will receive the following:
- Six Concession Snack Pack coupons. Each coupon good for 1 chip or candy and 1 drink
- One 2023-2024 HHS Pride Production Shirt
- One 2023-2024 Season Shirt
- One HHS Pride Productions Spirit Stickers
- Your name listed in our Fall and Spring Playbills. Fall Playbill deadline is xx.
Center Stage Champion Membership Level ($200.00)

As a thanks for your generous contribution, you will receive the following:
- Four Concession Snack Pack coupons. Each coupon good for 1 chip or candy and 1 drink
- One 2023-2024 HHS Pride Production Shirt
- One 2023-2024 Season Shirt
- One HHS Pride Productions Spirit Stickers
- Your name listed in our Fall and Spring Playbills. Fall Playbill deadline is xx.
Star Supporter Membership Level ($100.00)

As a thanks for your generous contribution, you will receive the following:
- One 2023-2024 HHS Pride Production Shirt
- One 2023-2024 Season Shirt
- One HHS Pride Productions Spirit Stickers
- Your name listed in our Fall and Spring Playbills. Fall Playbill deadline is xx.
Performance Patron Membership Level ($50.00)

As a thanks for your generous contribution, you will receive the following:
- One 2023-2024 HHS Pride Production Shirt
- One HHS Pride Productions Spirit Stickers
- Your name listed in our Fall and Spring Playbills. Fall Playbill deadline is xx.
Black Box Backer Membership Level ($25.00)

As a thanks for your generous contribution, you will receive the following:
- One HHS Pride Productions Spirit Stickers
- Your name listed in our Fall and Spring Playbills. Fall Playbill deadline is xx.
Fine Arts Fan Membership Level ($10.00)

As a thanks for your generous contribution, you will receive the following:
- Your name listed in our Fall and Spring Playbills. Fall Playbill deadline is xx.